About Me

A Rewarding Career

When I was a teenager, I couldn’t decide what career path I wanted to pursue after my high school graduation. While I wanted to earn a comfortable living, money wasn’t the only factor guiding my decision. I also desired to have a job that would allow me to help others in some way. If you’re searching for a rewarding career, consider counseling. Counselors have the opportunity to help people solve complicated problems on a daily basis. For instance, as a counselor, you might help a couple resolve marriage issues, aid a teenager battling an eating disorder, or assist an adult dealing with depression. I didn't end up becoming a counselor, but on this blog, I hope you will discover some of the most interesting aspects of being a counselor.

A Rewarding Career

    Steps To Take At Home To Help Your Teen With Pornography Addiction

    Many teenagers are exposed to pornography on the Internet, either by seeking it out or stumbling across it. For some teens, viewing this adult-oriented material can begin to take over their life, eventually leading to an addictive habit. If you begin to suspect that your teen is dealing with this addiction, or he or she reveals it to you, it's important to take action quickly by seeking the care of a counselor, like one from Lifeline, who specializes in such issues.

    Is Your Office Manager Doing A Poor Job And Losing Money And The Office Is A Mess? 3 Things You Need To Do

    If you feel that the management and administrative tasks at your therapy office aren't as efficient as they could be, and that the person you're paying to do the job isn't getting it done, it may be time to look for someone else or get new training for the management. There are many training programs that help the managers develop professionally and personally, so they can be more effective on a daily basis.