About Me

A Rewarding Career

When I was a teenager, I couldn’t decide what career path I wanted to pursue after my high school graduation. While I wanted to earn a comfortable living, money wasn’t the only factor guiding my decision. I also desired to have a job that would allow me to help others in some way. If you’re searching for a rewarding career, consider counseling. Counselors have the opportunity to help people solve complicated problems on a daily basis. For instance, as a counselor, you might help a couple resolve marriage issues, aid a teenager battling an eating disorder, or assist an adult dealing with depression. I didn't end up becoming a counselor, but on this blog, I hope you will discover some of the most interesting aspects of being a counselor.

A Rewarding Career

3 Ways to Mentally Prepare for the Divorce Mediation Process

by Marie Reid

The decision to divorce is one that requires great contemplation, but just because this decision has been made does not mean the decision-making process is over. As you move forward toward the divorce mediation process, you also must decide to mentally prepare for the process. How you approach the process, from a mental standpoint, impacts its success. Learn what you can do to prepare. 

1. Reiterate the Process

Ensure you know what divorce mediation is and is not. With a litigated divorce, "fight" is often the first word that comes to mind. One reason for this is that the goal of this process is essentially for each side to prove that their demands are more warranted than the other party's. 

Divorce mediation does not involve litigation and should be thought of as a compromise. This process allows for both parties to come to the table to amicably decide how they will dissolve their marriage without input from the state or a judge. Make sure you come to the table with this idea in mind.

2. Process Emotions

Divorce is a painful process, there is no way around it. However, mitigation works best when both parties have at least taken a moment to process their emotions. Whether this involves talking with friends, meeting with a therapist, or just taking some time to yourself, it is not always best to jump right into mediation immediately after deciding to divorce. 

When individuals do not allow themselves the opportunity to process their emotions, they are more likely to be emotional during the process, which only complicates matters. 

3. Prepare to Explain

Again, with a fight, there is often very little motivation to explain — you simply want what you want. However, with a compromise, the goal is to reach an understanding, so be sure you approach the mediation with the intent to explain. 

Explaining why you are asking for a particular settlement option makes your ex feel respected and shows that you have a valid reason for making the request, not that you are acting out of spite. Setting this type of tone makes it easier to move through the settlement process because both parties will have an equal understanding of each other's needs. 

Make sure you have prepared yourself for the mediation so that the process can be as smooth as possible. The easier the process, the better it is for all parties involved. 
