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A Rewarding Career

When I was a teenager, I couldn’t decide what career path I wanted to pursue after my high school graduation. While I wanted to earn a comfortable living, money wasn’t the only factor guiding my decision. I also desired to have a job that would allow me to help others in some way. If you’re searching for a rewarding career, consider counseling. Counselors have the opportunity to help people solve complicated problems on a daily basis. For instance, as a counselor, you might help a couple resolve marriage issues, aid a teenager battling an eating disorder, or assist an adult dealing with depression. I didn't end up becoming a counselor, but on this blog, I hope you will discover some of the most interesting aspects of being a counselor.

A Rewarding Career

A Brighter Future: What To Know When Seeking Therapy For Your Child

by Marie Reid

Childhood can be a difficult time for many. For countless reasons, your child may suddenly not act themselves or start exhibiting troubling behavior. While some of these issues may pass, others may linger and can be a cause for concern. Seeking a child therapist is the best course of action to help determine the cause of your child's issues and how to best overcome them. For everyone involved, it is always important to remember that there is absolutely no shame in having a psychologist help your child. In fact, therapy will be an excellent way for the family to better communicate with each other moving forward. Here are just a few considerations to keep in mind before engaging in therapy sessions for your child and what to expect. 

Family History

One of the first things you will be asked when seeking therapy for your child will be a comprehensive overview of your family's history. This can include how many people are in the family, their ages and relationships with your child, and their medical histories that may be relevant such as a history of mental illness or trauma. A child psychologist will typically take notes of your family's history to gain a broad idea of who the family is composed of from a medical standpoint. This will eventually become a strong reference point during the course of therapy sessions and can even assist in pinpointing the reasons for certain behavior, especially if some family members have a history of depression or anxiety disorders. As with many genetic traits, mental disorders or tendencies can also be passed down to younger generations. 

Family Dynamics

Along with a discussion regarding your family history, the dynamics of your family will be examined. Relationships, especially those between parents and siblings, can greatly affect a child's behavior, so these will certainly be looked at closely. It is important to be as honest as possible with the psychologist to give the clearest picture of what your typical day-to-day life looks like. A child who is acting out in school, for instance, may be doing so out of frustration due to their parents' constant fighting. Another example could be a child who is no longer interested in their usual hobbies and has a close relationship with a family member currently undergoing chemotherapy treatments. Delving into the dynamics of how the family works as a unit will help the psychologist connect the dots when it comes to discovering the reason for certain behavior or mood swings. 

Treatment Options

Your child's psychologist will speak to you openly regarding a treatment plan for your child and will seek your opinion on the path forward. Treatment options can vary greatly depending on the issue at hand. A child who is lashing out at their peers, for example, may need to regularly attend therapy sessions or participate in cognitive behavioral therapy exercises. A child who is experiencing auditory hallucinations, on the other hand, may be required to take medication to ease their symptoms. Your child's health is a top priority and will always be at the forefront of the psychologist's mind when recommending a treatment plan. As such, it is helpful to be open to their recommendations to provide a happier and healthier future for your child. 

To learn more, contact a resource that offers child therapy.
